This is a brief overview of how to issue certificates with certreq commands. It might be of use for someone administrating an ADCS instance.
Issuing a leaf certificate
This will create a certificate of the CertTemplateName template.
certreq -submit -attrib "CertificateTemplate:CertTemplateName" .\signing_request.csr
Issuing an issuing CA template
This assumes that the root CA is not running in enterprise CA mode. This command will create an issuing CA certificate valid for 1 (one) year.
certreq -attrib "CertificateTemplate:SubCA" -attrib "ValidityPeriod:1" -attrib"ValidityPeriodUnits:Years" .\SSL_CERT_R.csr
The certreq
tool will then output a RequestId. Look this up in certsrv.msc
, approve it and export the certificate.